InSight-Dlt has been conducting teachings for over twenty years in Italy and Asia, guiding individuals towards the discovery of the Self, and encouraging lifestyles based on the values of Being and the practice of awareness and meditation.
Our work is inspired by the vision of the enlightened master OSHO and enriched with the valuable understandings and methodologies of the Diamond Logos Teachings (DLT), a system of modern spiritual psychology.
We are accredited teachers from the Diamond Logos Academy International. In these pages, we present the work on Essence of the DLT in its original form, as transmitted to us by its originator, Faisal Muqaddam.
Bhakta ed Amana

Diamond – the capacity for precision and accuracy.
Logos – the original word of creation, which brings expression and articulation.
Teachings – the understanding of the dynamic relationship between the psychological structures of the personality and our true nature: essence.
The DLT continues to captivate us every day through the attitude of openness, inclusivity, curiosity it directs towards every aspect of the human being, and the accurate knowledge it provides of the essential dimension. The DLT offers a profound understanding of our true nature, restoring our humanity, revealing the significance of the quest for the Self, and enhancing our appreciation of the unique existence expressed in every person.
How we teach
Our aspiration in presenting the Diamond Logos Teachings is to preserve it in its original form, as transmitted to us by Faisal.
Each teacher brings their personal qualities, experience, and teaching style to the Work, but we consider it particularly important not to impose an excessively personal or technical style on the DLT in order to safeguard its beauty and sacredness.
Through the teachings, we offer students a learning framework, and a protected and loving space in which each can find support and guidance to explore themselves and find their own unique expression. It is an open field of awareness, which assists us to gradually return to Being, and recognize the depth and aspirations of our soul.