What is the DLT?
The DLT is a system of Essential work originated by Faisal Muqaddam. The teachings guide us on the journey of Being, helping us to recognize the various Essential Qualities that animate our existence. It teaches us to differentiate these qualities them from the complex and confusing distortions inherent within the Ego personality, and offers us tools to remove the obstacles that separate us from the True Self.
Who is it for
The DLT is for anyone who wishes to live a fuller life which respects the depths of the human being. Some people are drawn to this approach for purely personal aspirations: to fully realize and experience the integration of their own Being. Others study the DLT to gain understanding, insights, and tools for their professional work.
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“Diamond Logos articulates the guidance and grace of the mystery of Existence, so that it may be known, seen, and perceived.”
Faisal Muqaddam
The Work
The journey of the spirit towards the True Self
The work consists of reaching the deepest level of our substance: Essence. By orienting our awareness and presence to the Essential Dimension, Essence gradually replaces the old structures of personality, allowing what is authentic and true in us to emerge. The basic elements of the work are Presence, Awareness, and Compassion. These Qualities open us to an essential vision of exploration:
- They allow us to perceive and objectively observe the reality of our experience.
- They allow us to identify and recognize the obstacles that have solidified in our personality and understand their intrinsic structure.
- They reveal and clarify the meaning behind our emotional response to the world.
This inquiry into the Self is carried out by viewing our experiences in the present moment with an attitude of curiosity, openness, and honesty.
How is the work carried out?
In DLT, one of the main teaching tools is the transmission of Essential Qualities. Transmission is based on the teacher’s experiential knowledge of the various Qualities of Being and their ability to create a field in which this experience can be shared and perceived by students. Through the transmission of the teacher, students can grasp the various fragrances of the Essential Qualities and recognize them within themselves.
Another important aspect of teaching is the exploration of what we call “issues”, that is, internal barriers that obscure our Essential Qualities. One of the main tools used in this exploration is the practice of Self-Inquiry. Self-Inquiry, is the process of identifying and verbalizing what is happening in the moment, while staying anchored in awareness and presence. It is an open-ended exploration that allows for the gradual unfolding and resolution of the issues being explored.
Insights and new understandings gained during Self-Inquiry are integrated through meditation, experiential exercises, singing, gentle bodywork (movement and breathing, etc.), and group sharing.